Monday, September 17, 2012

My Heart Will Never Say Goodbye Forever

Do I resist the shadows of your spine
as i play my cello in your darkness.
Lighting the skeleton of your soul.

Naked and bare across the
truth of the matter
I am the opposite of you.

Mysterious moments along the side
of the waters that roll against the tides
of your heart as my strings pound
down the chords of the piano.

Love notes flying through the night sky.
Unsure as wish washy moments in time
blur the vision of confusion.
I refuse to be blinded by its sight.

Wavering no more with the darkness
only the light. Yet, I observe you
over there.

Patience the immortality of thoughts
that cross the path of life.
Mortality defines the moment that
catches you by surprise.

Always waiting for the unexpected,
diving into the ocean of love
swimming across the under water
scene with sea dragons floating next
to my side curling their tails.

It's me alone until you join me
in the dance of love and life,
an shall you ever dive into love
a love you've never held so true?

Waiting for the moment, as it comes
to open a glittering present
wrapped in packages and bows
to understand there is finally
something inside, instead of
an empty box with nothing.

The vacancy of your mind
swirling in the deep ocean
of illusions.

Your empty shell stares me into the eye
not really truly living.
Always dying without love
forgetting your purpose and existence.
Anyone can say we've all be there
once or twice.

Alone we dance until we finally
find the one that decides that love
is worth taking the risk
and ready to move as it flows
with the ocean tides.

Wondering sometimes if we will
only be alone whether we dance
alone or together.
Maybe perhaps the aloneness is the key
to understanding the inner beauty
of another's soul.

Love is beyond ourselves, yet
dwells in the ocean of our hearts.
The sea life only lives by the nurturing
spirit of our own beat of love.

My eyes looking through the glass that
shields you from my side
waiting for you to shatter it
by resisting not love, but fears
breaking free from the darkness,
yet still you stand observing
the mermaid that I am through
the aquarium glass wishing you
were here with me.

Waiting for me to say goodbye
hoping my love never lasts forever.
Waiting for the moment of rejection
and ridicule.

Isn't this what the world does
as it dances the negative version of love
that we have been seduced with most of our lives.

Refusing to obey the world's view
I see you through the glass
waiting patiently for my light
to flash in your soul
as you discover I am just a mirror of you,
afraid, but never buying into fears lies
wading in the waves of faith.

Believing in you, the beautiful soul that you are,
the essence of your true self dying to come outside
and play in the living water of life.

My heart will never say goodbye forever.
All rights reserved Hattiemattiemae Spiritweaver november 7, 2011

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